Monday, 10 October 2022

New Kerry Cassidy & Patriot Underground: SG Anon Intel; SCOTUS October Surprise? Trump Rally Commentary - Thoughts On A Trump Arrest | Prophecy | Before It's News

New Kerry Cassidy & Patriot Underground: SG Anon Intel; SCOTUS October Surprise? Trump Rally Commentary - Thoughts On A Trump Arrest | Prophecy | Before It's News: Roe V. Wade Decision Commentary Re-Emergence Of Q SCOTUS Under White Hat Control Justice No Longer Denied Protecting The Innocent Breaking The Curse On America Will SCOTUS Reverse 2020? Role Of SCOTUS: Will Public Reaction Require Military Intervention? Puzzle Pieces Coming Together Landmark 2A Decision: Expansion Of Right To Self-Defense...

Charlie Ward: HUGE Intel "White Hat Military - WAKE UP" (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News

Charlie Ward: HUGE Intel "White Hat Military - WAKE UP" (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News:   by N.Morgan The White Hat military is gathering their forces and is readying for the war that may come very soon! We the People have had enough and now OUR military is getting ready to take care of business!  Charlie shares HUGE Intel about this and much, much, more!      Stories Contributed by N....

US Military Veteran Derek Johnson: Joe Biden Was NEVER Sworn In As US President And He Explains From Military Point-Of-View Several Clues The Average Person Missed!! | Alternative | Before It's News

US Military Veteran Derek Johnson: Joe Biden Was NEVER Sworn In As US President And He Explains From Military Point-Of-View Several Clues The Average Person Missed!! | Alternative | Before It's News: US Military Veteran Derek Johnson: Joe Biden Was NEVER Sworn In As US President And He Explains From Military Point-Of-View Several Clues The Average Person Missed!! LibertyMonks IITM: Wow... just shocking that there were so many clues that Biden was NEVER sworn in as US president... is this fact or...