Sunday, 29 July 2018

This Just Happened At YellowStone, And The 'Venus Syndrome' Might Have S...

Evidence for Creation by Outside Intervention

Evidence of the Anunnaki

Anunnaki Timeline

Anunnaki Secrets Part 1 - AGARTHA

FBI Agent Lisa Page Just Sold Them All Out – This Changes EVERYTHING!

BREAKING NEWS - NIBIRU PLANET X - CIA Urgent Alert Finally real governme...

Planet Mars: It's Not Just a Rock

Planet Mars: It's Not Just a Rock

UFO landing in Germany and Aliens appear around it clearly

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock July 2018 Arrival of the Spheres wi...

The Founders / This Etheric distortion / The Luciferian Rebellion

Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock July 2018 Allying with the MIC SSP

Anunnaki Genealogy - The Babylonian Brotherhood !!!

Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock - Corroborating the Evidence with M...

Antarctic SAGA - Trapped Fallen Angels | Enoch | Nephilim

Inner Earth Civilizations Exist and I Can Prove It: Agartha & Hollow Earth

The Real Reason the Pentagon is "missing" 10 TRILLION Dollars