Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Russia News : Two Suns Planet X Is Coming in 2016 – Russian TV Is showing Nibiru Planet X (Russia does Not Hide It) | Self-Sufficiency

Russia News : Two Suns Planet X Is Coming in 2016 – Russian TV Is showing Nibiru Planet X (Russia does Not Hide It) | Self-Sufficiency

Beware: ISIS Flags In Occupied Kashmir Are Indian-‘Israeli’-US PSYOP | Mouqawamah Music

Beware: ISIS Flags In Occupied Kashmir Are Indian-‘Israeli’-US PSYOP | Mouqawamah Music

VIDEO: Invited Veteran VIOLENTLY THROWN OUT Of Air Force Ceremony For Mention Of GOD!!!!!! - World News Politics

VIDEO: Invited Veteran VIOLENTLY THROWN OUT Of Air Force Ceremony For Mention Of GOD!!!!!! - World News Politics

Failed coup in Turkey an end times marker?

Failed coup in Turkey an end times marker?

Turkey holds 1,500 U.S. military HOSTAGE after coup, Obama busy PLAYING GOLF!! | RedFlag News

Turkey holds 1,500 U.S. military HOSTAGE after coup, Obama busy PLAYING GOLF!! | RedFlag News

Bombshell Exposé: The U.S. Military Used Incirlik Air Base to Stage Failed Coup in Turkey | Alternative

Bombshell Exposé: The U.S. Military Used Incirlik Air Base to Stage Failed Coup in Turkey | Alternative

Russian warplanes reportedly bombed US base in Syria | Fox News

Russian warplanes reportedly bombed US base in Syria | Fox News

'Timber Sycamore': Untold Story of CIA Covert Operation in Syria

'Timber Sycamore': Untold Story of CIA Covert Operation in Syria

'Timber Sycamore': Untold Story of CIA Covert Operation in Syria

'Timber Sycamore': Untold Story of CIA Covert Operation in Syria

If Putin Is Behind the DNC Leak, He Deserves a Pulitzer

If Putin Is Behind the DNC Leak, He Deserves a Pulitzer

Don't rely on our financial statements, 1MDB says after DOJ filing - Malaysiakini

Don't rely on our financial statements, 1MDB says after DOJ filing - Malaysiakini

RM30b added to rail project to pay off 1MDB debts, alleges S'wak Report - Malaysiakini

RM30b added to rail project to pay off 1MDB debts, alleges S'wak Report - Malaysiakini

Truth and lies about the break-up of Yugoslavia: Forget Milosevic, this was a US operation from start to finish -- Secret History -- Sott.net

Truth and lies about the break-up of Yugoslavia: Forget Milosevic, this was a US operation from start to finish -- Secret History -- Sott.net

Ambiga: Entire cabinet must resign over 1MDB, not just Najib - Malaysiakini

Ambiga: Entire cabinet must resign over 1MDB, not just Najib - Malaysiakini

‘Grand larceny in 1MDB’ - Malaysiakini

‘Grand larceny in 1MDB’ - Malaysiakini

Kes Tangkapan Adlin Aman Ramli: 500 Ribu Ahli Kebanyakannya Cikgu dan Artis Tertipu Pelaburan Highway Dengan Kutipan Sebanyak RM35 juta | Utusan Malaysian

Kes Tangkapan Adlin Aman Ramli: 500 Ribu Ahli Kebanyakannya Cikgu dan Artis Tertipu Pelaburan Highway Dengan Kutipan Sebanyak RM35 juta | Utusan Malaysian

Friday, 22 July 2016

Matthias Chang Will Try To Prove Najib Is Innocent. Is He Now A Traitor?

The CIA’s Involvement in Indonesia and the Assassinations of JFK and Dag Hammarskjold | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

The CIA’s Involvement in Indonesia and the Assassinations of JFK and Dag Hammarskjold | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Nice Attacks, Destroying Evidence at Crime Scene: French Government Orders Destruction of CCTV Video Footage | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Nice Attacks, Destroying Evidence at Crime Scene: French Government Orders Destruction of CCTV Video Footage | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Uncovering Malaysia's 1MDB scandal - CNN Video

Uncovering Malaysia's 1MDB scandal - CNN Video

White House calls for transparency from Malaysia over 1MDB fund scandal | South China Morning Post

White House calls for transparency from Malaysia over 1MDB fund scandal | South China Morning Post

History They Don't Teach You in School - Jewish Communism

History They Don't Teach You in School - Jewish Communism

Raw Video Shows Munich Terrorist Shooting People Outside McDonalds - Conservative Outfitters

Raw Video Shows Munich Terrorist Shooting People Outside McDonalds - Conservative Outfitters

BREAKING! Same Israeli photo-propagandist pre-positioned in Nice AND NOW MUNICH | Veterans Today

BREAKING! Same Israeli photo-propagandist pre-positioned in Nice AND NOW MUNICH | Veterans Today

Friday, 15 July 2016

Christopher Bollyn's June 26th event at Rudy's home Part 1of 6. 00012 - YouTube

Christopher Bollyn's June 26th event at Rudy's home Part 1of 6. 00012 - YouTube

Steven Thiru: A government-controlled Bar may scare off foreign investors | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online

Steven Thiru: A government-controlled Bar may scare off foreign investors | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online

High speed rail plans inch closer - Nation | The Star Online

High speed rail plans inch closer - Nation | The Star Online

Singapore-Kunming Rail Link: A ‘Belt and Road’ Case Study | The Diplomat

Singapore-Kunming Rail Link: A ‘Belt and Road’ Case Study | The Diplomat



Malaysia may cut interest rates as options run out- Nikkei Asian Review

Malaysia may cut interest rates as options run out- Nikkei Asian Review

Fakta Detik Detik Tsunami Aceh di Bom Bawah Laut

The Clinton Foundation owns the FBI » Intellihub

The Clinton Foundation owns the FBI » Intellihub

The men who sold 1MDB on a fake Aabar - Malaysiakini

The men who sold 1MDB on a fake Aabar - Malaysiakini

Putin: Human Evolution Under Threat By Big Pharma, GMO, Vaccines | Your News Wire

Putin: Human Evolution Under Threat By Big Pharma, GMO, Vaccines | Your News Wire

MINA Breaking News - German MP: US is a threat to European peace, not Russia

MINA Breaking News - German MP: US is a threat to European peace, not Russia

Neoliberalism is a species of fascism | OffGuardian

Neoliberalism is a species of fascism | OffGuardian

ISRAEL DID 9/11 | 800 Pound Gorilla

ISRAEL DID 9/11 | 800 Pound Gorilla

Benjamin Fulford July 11th 2016 Update | Gateway To Victory

Benjamin Fulford July 11th 2016 Update | Gateway To Victory

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Disposal Operations for American Soldiers | Veterans Today

Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Disposal Operations for American Soldiers | Veterans Today

Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Human Disposal Operations (Part II) | Veterans Today

Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Human Disposal Operations (Part II) | Veterans Today

CIA supplies ISIS with an airforce with help from Khazarian Mafia, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey and Israel | Veterans Today

CIA supplies ISIS with an airforce with help from Khazarian Mafia, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey and Israel | Veterans Today

UBS retains positions as world's biggest private bank: study, Banking & Finance - THE BUSINESS TIMES

UBS retains positions as world's biggest private bank: study, Banking & Finance - THE BUSINESS TIMES

UBS said to have flagged suspicious 1MDB transactions to MAS, Government & Economy - THE BUSINESS TIMES

UBS said to have flagged suspicious 1MDB transactions to MAS, Government & Economy - THE BUSINESS TIMES



1MDB Scandal Reaches UBS

1MDB Scandal Reaches UBS

May: I’ll kick out foreign graduates | The Sunday Times

May: I’ll kick out foreign graduates | The Sunday Times

Saya tak akan bersekongkol dengan perosak negara - Shafie Apdal ⋆ Malaysia Stylo

Saya tak akan bersekongkol dengan perosak negara - Shafie Apdal ⋆ Malaysia Stylo

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Pegawai kedutaan Rusia enggan pulang, cinta berputik di Malaysia (VIDEO) | Berita | ProjekMMO | Malay Mail Online

Pegawai kedutaan Rusia enggan pulang, cinta berputik di Malaysia (VIDEO) | Berita | ProjekMMO | Malay Mail Online

Pua wants three parties probed for ‘money laundering’ | Free Malaysia Today

Pua wants three parties probed for ‘money laundering’ | Free Malaysia Today

Pua wants three parties probed for ‘money laundering’ | Free Malaysia Today

Pua wants three parties probed for ‘money laundering’ | Free Malaysia Today

Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant for Convicted Felon George Soros | Letting Freedom Ring

Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant for Convicted Felon George Soros | Letting Freedom Ring

Subversive George Soros Is Funding Massive “Civil Disobedience Actions” | EndingFed News Network

Subversive George Soros Is Funding Massive “Civil Disobedience Actions” | EndingFed News Network

China's South China Sea Claims Dashed by Hague Court Ruling - Bloomberg

China's South China Sea Claims Dashed by Hague Court Ruling - Bloomberg

Pua: Deloitte can lodge police report on 1MDB | Free Malaysia Today

Pua: Deloitte can lodge police report on 1MDB | Free Malaysia Today

Putin Warns Obama: Tell The World About Nibiru or I Will | EndingFed News Network

Putin Warns Obama: Tell The World About Nibiru or I Will | EndingFed News Network

Exposing Israeli War Crimes in the Gaza Strip - YouTube

Exposing Israeli War Crimes in the Gaza Strip - YouTube

Puppet masters of religious violence — Jahaberdeen Mohamed Yunoos | What You Think | Malay Mail Online

Puppet masters of religious violence — Jahaberdeen Mohamed Yunoos | What You Think | Malay Mail Online

Monday, 11 July 2016

Ukraine's Poroshenko to teach NATO how to wage war against Russia - PravdaReport

Ukraine's Poroshenko to teach NATO how to wage war against Russia - PravdaReport

A Modest Proposal: An Irish AIPAC – Consortiumnews

A Modest Proposal: An Irish AIPAC – Consortiumnews

President Duterte named the drug lords who protected by Gen. Garbo

President Duterte named the drug lords who protected by Gen. Garbo

After vowing to follow orders from President Duterte, Bohol Police killed two drug lords hours after his inaugural. Warning! There is flood of blood | PinasHeadlines

After vowing to follow orders from President Duterte, Bohol Police killed two drug lords hours after his inaugural. Warning! There is flood of blood | PinasHeadlines

Aliran: Mr PM, you are challenged and dared! Will you sue? - Malaysiakini

Aliran: Mr PM, you are challenged and dared! Will you sue? - Malaysiakini



Adolf Hitler vs The Jew World Order - YouTube

Adolf Hitler vs The Jew World Order - YouTube

Laporan Polis Terhadap Najib, Salah Guna Wang Kementerian Kewangan - SuaraKami

Laporan Polis Terhadap Najib, Salah Guna Wang Kementerian Kewangan - SuaraKami

Laporan Polis Terhadap Najib, Salah Guna Wang Kementerian Kewangan - SuaraKami

Laporan Polis Terhadap Najib, Salah Guna Wang Kementerian Kewangan - SuaraKami

Mahathir: "... macam makan babi" - YouTube

Mahathir: "... macam makan babi" - YouTube

Time Magazine Ranked Malaysia No 2 Most Corrupted Country In The World - The Coverage

Time Magazine Ranked Malaysia No 2 Most Corrupted Country In The World - The Coverage

FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government! | EndingFed News Network

FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government! | EndingFed News Network

The pending appointment of a new MACC chief - Malaysiakini

The pending appointment of a new MACC chief - Malaysiakini

Malaysia: How Clare Rewcastle Brown's Sarawak Report is exposing Najib Razak's 'dictatorship'

Malaysia: How Clare Rewcastle Brown's Sarawak Report is exposing Najib Razak's 'dictatorship'

1MDB agrees to arbitration with IPIC | Free Malaysia Today

1MDB agrees to arbitration with IPIC | Free Malaysia Today

Yes, I’m behind this ‘crisis’ but you can end it by resigning, Dr M tells Najib | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online

Yes, I’m behind this ‘crisis’ but you can end it by resigning, Dr M tells Najib | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online

Betapa Berkuasa dan Biadab Najib Enggan Hadiri Mesyuarat Raja-raja - Suara Kami

Betapa Berkuasa dan Biadab Najib Enggan Hadiri Mesyuarat Raja-raja - Suara Kami

Rulers Council our last hope to unshroud 1MDB audit, says MP - Malaysiakini

Rulers Council our last hope to unshroud 1MDB audit, says MP - Malaysiakini

Why hasn't Najib denied S'wak Report leaks as fake, asks MP - Malaysiakini

Why hasn't Najib denied S'wak Report leaks as fake, asks MP - Malaysiakini

Protectors have become the oppressors, decries Dr M | Hornbill Unleashed

Protectors have become the oppressors, decries Dr M | Hornbill Unleashed

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Floods apocalypse all around the world in June 2016: USA, Mexico, Russia, China, France, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine, Romania

Floods apocalypse all around the world in June 2016: USA, Mexico, Russia, China, France, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine, Romania



The Israeli Air Force are the Most Skilled Fighting Aerial Warfare - Documentary Films - YouTube

The Israeli Air Force are the Most Skilled Fighting Aerial Warfare - Documentary Films - YouTube

The Morgellons and Artificial Intelligence Connection : Kandy Griffin @ Phoenix Rising - YouTube

The Morgellons and Artificial Intelligence Connection : Kandy Griffin @ Phoenix Rising - YouTube

Senior Saudi Imam of Mecca: ISIS ideology comes from our books, our principles. We follow the same thought. | The Muslim Issue

Senior Saudi Imam of Mecca: ISIS ideology comes from our books, our principles. We follow the same thought. | The Muslim Issue

[PANAS BERAPI] Pendedahan Skandal 1MDB Oleh Mukhriz Mahathir Yang Pasti MENGEJUTKAN Rakyat Malaysia - YouTube

[PANAS BERAPI] Pendedahan Skandal 1MDB Oleh Mukhriz Mahathir Yang Pasti MENGEJUTKAN Rakyat Malaysia - YouTube

Now that we know, kudos to Ambrin for a job well done - Malaysiakini

Now that we know, kudos to Ambrin for a job well done - Malaysiakini

Malaysia’s Wake-Up Call: The Dark Truth about Extremism and the 50,000 IS supporters in Malaysia – Robert Chaen

Malaysia’s Wake-Up Call: The Dark Truth about Extremism and the 50,000 IS supporters in Malaysia – Robert Chaen

How George Soros Singlehandedly Created The European Refugee Crisis - And Why | Zero Hedge

How George Soros Singlehandedly Created The European Refugee Crisis - And Why | Zero Hedge

A genius that M'sia didn't want | Daily Express Newspaper Online, Sabah, Malaysia.

A genius that M'sia didn't want | Daily Express Newspaper Online, Sabah, Malaysia.



Thursday, 7 July 2016

Forbidden Knowledge TV - Daily Videos from the Edges of Science

Forbidden Knowledge TV - Daily Videos from the Edges of Science



Bapa, anak dan kroni Umno di Mara Terbabit Dlm Penyelewengan Wang MARA - SuaraKami

Bapa, anak dan kroni Umno di Mara Terbabit Dlm Penyelewengan Wang MARA - SuaraKami

911 Clues EVERYONE MISSED - YouTube

911 Clues EVERYONE MISSED - YouTube

For the annexation of the territories of Mexico, the United States paid a terrible price | The Newspapers

For the annexation of the territories of Mexico, the United States paid a terrible price | The Newspapers

Sarawak Report reveals details of auditor-general’s report on 1MDB - Malaysiakini

Sarawak Report reveals details of auditor-general’s report on 1MDB - Malaysiakini

Vladimir Putin Says The US Elections Are Rigged. It’s Not A Democracy

Vladimir Putin Says The US Elections Are Rigged. It’s Not A Democracy

The Kelly File 7/5/16 | Megyn Kelly exposes all Hillary Clinton lies, Paul Ryan interview - YouTube

The Kelly File 7/5/16 | Megyn Kelly exposes all Hillary Clinton lies, Paul Ryan interview - YouTube

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Increase Your Ejaculate w/ Semenax™ Volume Pills - Official Site, 2016

Increase Your Ejaculate w/ Semenax™ Volume Pills - Official Site, 2016

A Warning About Fear-Mongering to Take Liberty - YouTube

A Warning About Fear-Mongering to Take Liberty - YouTube

Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS

Putin: Russia To Show Proof That 9/11 Was An Inside Job!

Putin: Russia To Show Proof That 9/11 Was An Inside Job!

Watch Muslims, Jews agree on coming end times

Watch Muslims, Jews agree on coming end times



ONLINE BOOK: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three-Thousand-Year History | Pragmatic Witness

ONLINE BOOK: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three-Thousand-Year History | Pragmatic Witness

Hilary Worker Refuses Background Check, Turns Out Al Qaeda KINGPIN – Conservative Daily Post

Hilary Worker Refuses Background Check, Turns Out Al Qaeda KINGPIN – Conservative Daily Post

Monday, 4 July 2016

What are the notable benefits of being a Bumiputra (Malay) in Malaysia? - Quora

What are the notable benefits of being a Bumiputra (Malay) in Malaysia? - Quora

Air Force Major General ames Martin Jr FAINTS during press briefing about budget | Daily Mail Online

Air Force Major General ames Martin Jr FAINTS during press briefing about budget | Daily Mail Online

Secret £14million Bible in which 'Jesus predicts coming of Prophet Muhammad' unearthed in Turkey | Daily Mail Online

Secret £14million Bible in which 'Jesus predicts coming of Prophet Muhammad' unearthed in Turkey | Daily Mail Online

Gospel of Barnabas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gospel of Barnabas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did Jesus Predict Muhammad? A Biblical Portal Between Christianity and Islam

Did Jesus Predict Muhammad? A Biblical Portal Between Christianity and Islam



JUST IN: Hillary Clinton Indicted By The FBI … Charges She Never Saw Coming! – USA Newsflash

JUST IN: Hillary Clinton Indicted By The FBI … Charges She Never Saw Coming! – USA Newsflash

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Syrian Arab Army capture alive a most wanted ISIS - YouTube

Syrian Arab Army capture alive a most wanted ISIS - YouTube

ISIS Gets Advanced Stingers from Saudis, Downs Helicopter, Murders Pilot | Veterans Today

ISIS Gets Advanced Stingers from Saudis, Downs Helicopter, Murders Pilot | Veterans Today

Michael Krieger-Complete Collapse of Everything - YouTube

Michael Krieger-Complete Collapse of Everything - YouTube

Attorney General Lynch Must Resign | American Center for Law and Justice

Attorney General Lynch Must Resign | American Center for Law and Justice

Majlis Peguam heret AG ke mahkamah sebab tak dakwa Najib

Majlis Peguam heret AG ke mahkamah sebab tak dakwa Najib

Berbuka di gereja, hanya untuk kongsi nikmat puasa- Syed Azmi | Free Malaysia Today

Berbuka di gereja, hanya untuk kongsi nikmat puasa- Syed Azmi | Free Malaysia Today



Jho Low, Well Connected in Malaysia, Has an Appetite for New York - The New York Times

Jho Low, Well Connected in Malaysia, Has an Appetite for New York - The New York Times

Malaysia’s Leader, Najib Razak, Faces U.S. Corruption Inquiry - The New York Times

Malaysia’s Leader, Najib Razak, Faces U.S. Corruption Inquiry - The New York Times

Malaysia’s Leader, Najib Razak, Faces U.S. Corruption Inquiry - The New York Times

Malaysia’s Leader, Najib Razak, Faces U.S. Corruption Inquiry - The New York Times

Sign Up To Drive With Uber - Earn Cash With Your Car

Sign Up To Drive With Uber - Earn Cash With Your Car

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Majlis Peguam heret AG ke mahkamah sebab tak dakwa Najib

Majlis Peguam heret AG ke mahkamah sebab tak dakwa Najib

Top 'most-read' articles at Washington Post site are harshly critical of Israel

Top 'most-read' articles at Washington Post site are harshly critical of Israel

Abu Dhabi fund denies guaranteeing 1MDB’s Cayman investments | The Edge Markets

Abu Dhabi fund denies guaranteeing 1MDB’s Cayman investments | The Edge Markets

VID: 250 ISIS Terrorists in 40 Convoys Escaping Fallujah Killed by Iraqi Army

VID: 250 ISIS Terrorists in 40 Convoys Escaping Fallujah Killed by Iraqi Army

One Million People Rise Up In France Amid Media Blackout | Your News Wire

One Million People Rise Up In France Amid Media Blackout | Your News Wire



Russian organic wheat takes world by storm, US GMO glyphosate losing out! - Green Food Magazine

Russian organic wheat takes world by storm, US GMO glyphosate losing out! - Green Food Magazine

Saudi Arabia hires American mercenaries to kill Yemenis

Saudi Arabia hires American mercenaries to kill Yemenis

[VIDEO] Not an occupation? Whatever it is, it’s disgusting | +972 Magazine

[VIDEO] Not an occupation? Whatever it is, it’s disgusting | +972 Magazine

BREAKING: Air Force Official Risks Everything To Warn America About Terrorist Attacks! – USA Newsflash

BREAKING: Air Force Official Risks Everything To Warn America About Terrorist Attacks! – USA Newsflash

Selagi skandal kewangan tak selesai, Pulau Pinang beku urusniaga tanah 1MDB | roketkini.com

Selagi skandal kewangan tak selesai, Pulau Pinang beku urusniaga tanah 1MDB | roketkini.com

Friday, 1 July 2016

Revolution Radio at Freedomslips.com

Revolution Radio at Freedomslips.com

Vimax Pills

Vimax Pills

Scapegoating - The Raven Foundation

Scapegoating - The Raven Foundation

Putin: GMO Food Is Now Illegal In Russia | Your News Wire

Putin: GMO Food Is Now Illegal In Russia | Your News Wire

Major Update to Military Movement and Actual Documentation of Their Plans (Video) | Politics

Major Update to Military Movement and Actual Documentation of Their Plans (Video) | Politics

Trump Releases Second Hillary “Legendary Lie” Video; Leaves Her In Shock (Video) | Politics

Trump Releases Second Hillary “Legendary Lie” Video; Leaves Her In Shock (Video) | Politics



Rothschild Naked Illuminati Ball-Ritual Child Sacrifice- Sick! Please Share | Alternative

Rothschild Naked Illuminati Ball-Ritual Child Sacrifice- Sick! Please Share | Alternative

Male Extra™ | Male Improvement Made Easy

Male Extra™ | Male Improvement Made Easy

Benghazi cover up tied to U.S. gun-smuggling operation: Documents

Benghazi cover up tied to U.S. gun-smuggling operation: Documents

Chuck Norris Says Clinton Will Commit Massive Vote Fraud – NewsClub

Chuck Norris Says Clinton Will Commit Massive Vote Fraud – NewsClub

JUST IN: President Obama Demands The United States End Subsidy of Israel's Defense Industry (DETAILS)

JUST IN: President Obama Demands The United States End Subsidy of Israel's Defense Industry (DETAILS)

