Friday, 3 June 2016

Understanding Hadi Awang’s hudud dance | Farouk A. Peru | Opinion | Malay Mail Online

Understanding Hadi Awang’s hudud dance | Farouk A. Peru | Opinion | Malay Mail Online

1 comment:

    ISSUES THE TENETS OF ISLAM* (6:19,38,114;7:3;12:111;17:46;31:6;45:6;69:38-48))###}? In Malaysia, Hudud is not part of the Sharia (which is the bone of contention of PAS). There are 14 REFERENCES of the word hudud and its derivatives in the WHOLE of the DIVINE QURAN. And for the Muslim they must bear in mind that the hudud stated in the Quran are most certainly the hudud-ullah or hudud of Allah. The Sharia was not developed by Prophet Muhammad. The Sharia was not fully developed and completed by the time the Qur’an had been fully revealed 22 years later at the time of the death of the Prophet. It was developed over 600 years through interpretations and opinions, first by the Prophet’s four companions and then by religious scholars and leaders. A century after the death of their Prophet Muhammad 'alaihis- salaam', four scholars came forward from among Sunnite Muslims: Aboo Haneefa, Ahmad bin Hanbal, Maalik bin Anas, and Muhammad bin Idris Shaafi'ee. Some Khaleefas forced the Sunnites to imitate one of these four scholars. They said no one except these four scholars could do ijtihaad in Qur'aan al-kereem or in the Sunna. This movement closed the gates of knowledge and understanding to Muslims. This prohibition of ijtihaad is considered to have been the reason for Islam's standstill.DID ALLAH PROHIBIT IJTIHAAD??? QURAN SURAH BANI ISRAEL 17:36~[You shall not accept any information,unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing,the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them .] HAVE SATAN SUCCEEDED IN DIVERTING MILLIONS OF "MUSLIMS" INTO BELIEVING THAT OBEYING ALLAH MEANS OBEYING THE QURAN ,WHILE OBEYING THE MESSENGER MEANS OBEYING HADITH?[BERJAYA KAH SYAITAN MENYELEWENG JUTAAN "MUSLIM"DENGAN KEPERCAYAAN BAHAWASANYA MEMATUHI PERINTAH ALLAH BERMAKNA MEMATUHI QURAN DAN MEMATUHI RASUL BERMAKNA MEMATUHI HADIS???]LOGICAL THINKING LEADS US TO REALIZE THAT QURAN CAME TO US THROUGH MUHAMMAD'S MOUTH AND DID NOT COME TO US FROM ALLAH DIRECTLY.HENCE THE COMMANDMENT THAT WE SHALL OBEY THE MESSENGER ...FOR HE UTTERS THE WORDS OF ALLAH.[FIKIRAN SECARA LOJIK AKAN MEYAKINKAN KITA BAHAWASANYA QURAN ITU DISAMPAIKAN KEPADA KITA MELALUI MULUT NABI MUHAMMAD DAN TIDAK DATANG KEPADA KITA SECARA TERUS DARIPADA ALLAH.JUSTERU ITU KITA HARUS AKUR PERINTAH RASUL KERANA BELIAU MELAFAZKAN KATA KATA DARIPADA ALLAH]ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT,MUHAMMAD WILL BE THE FIRST TO COMPLAIN THAT HIS FOLLOWERS HAD ABANDONED QURAN,IN FAVOR OF THE FABRICATIONS BY HIS ENEMIES(HADITH & SUNNA)~Q25:30-31["AND THE MESSENGERS WILL SAY,'MY LORD ,MY PEOPLE HAVE DESERTED THIS QURAN.'.WE THUS SET UP AGAINST EVERY PROPHET ENEMIES WHO ARE WICKED.YOUR LORD SUFFICES AS A GUIDE AND SUPPORTER(I.E.,QURAN ) More importantly, much of the Sharia is not from the Qur’an but from the Sunnah and Hadith, which, again, is a matter that Muslims are debating till this very day. The Quran proclaims that the Quran is complete, perfect, and fully detailed (Quran 6:19, 38, 114, 115; 50:45), and that religious regulations not specifically instituted in the Quran constitute a religion other than Islam, i.e., Submisssion (Quran 42:21, 17:46). The true believers uphold the Quran, the whole Quran, and nothing but the Quran.The Quran is not a fabricated Hadith; details everything. [Quran 12:111] The only Sunna to follow shall be God's Sunna. [Quran 17:77, 33:62, 48:23, 6:114]
