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ReplyDeleteBUKANKAH ULAMAK ULAMAK MAZHAB (AHLUL SUNNAH WAL JEMAAH)BERFAHAMAN LIBERAL ?DISEBALIK TOPENG IMAN AGEN AGEN SYAITAN MENYELEWENG MANUSIA DARIPADA JALAN ALLAH !SUNGGUH JAHAT APA MEREKA LAKUKAN!!LIHAT JUGA (Q63:1-3)SOALAN KEPADA IKIM,PERSATUAN ULAMAK PONDOK ; ,USTAZ DAN USTAZAH ,PEGUAM SYARIE~ADAKAH AKIDAH ITU AJARAN NABI MUHAMMAD DAN DALAM SURAH APA DAN AYAT MANAKAH DIDALAM AL-QURAN ITU IANYA DISEBUT??The concept of AKIDAH:The language of the Quran is ARABIC,flawless and perfect;Because the Quran was revealed to an ARAB speaking prophet in Arabic,and is taught by the Gracious Surah Al -Rahman ~55:2[The Teacher of the Quran][55:1~(Tuhan) Yang Maha Pemurah serta melimpah-limpah rahmatNya;2Dialah yang mengajar Al-Quran],it is a message to all humanity regardless of their language.Allah has no shortage of Words.His language is excellently eloquent specially picked and preserved and mathematically protected*. He talks of EEMAN as guidance to Righteousness and Salvation for His human creature.Question~So why do ulamaks become Extra -Quranic?Every Justin might not be just;every Mr,Smart may not be smart. God and the prophet Never said anything about the concept of aqedah as "religious faith".The Quran only refers to faith or"IMAN"(Arabic :EEMAN)The idea as well as the word comes from the Hebrew Bible.Aqedah is also a Hebrew word ,"AQEDAH":The Hebrew word for 'binding' and the common designation for Genesis 22:1-19,Abraham "binds" Isaac(verse 9). The Oxford Companion to the Bible TALKS ABOUT "AQEDAH' ON PAGE 43. QUESTION TO ISLAMIC SCHOLARS(PERSATUAN ULAMAK PONDOK):IS AQEQAH THE TEACHINGS OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD IN THE AL-QURAN~WHICH SURAH AND VERSE IN THE QURAN AQEQAH IS MENTIONED?? The Sunni cult (Penganut Agama Mazhab) believes that when a child is born,the parents should make a sacrificial offering of an animal(usually lamb or goat) to God to celebrate and thank the birth of the child.This is called the AQEQAH(it most likely a HEBREW word that comes straight from the HEBREW BIBLE just like AQEDAH) .THIS FALSE TEACHINGS CANNOT BE FOUND IN THE QL-QURAN.IT COMES FROM THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE.
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