Sunday, 31 May 2015

Malaysia risks becoming ‘unequal and polarised’ in terms of income, economist warns | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online

Malaysia risks becoming ‘unequal and polarised’ in terms of income, economist warns | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online

Rand Paul's Army Gathers in the Capitol to Help Him Block Patriot Act - Bloomberg Politics

Rand Paul's Army Gathers in the Capitol to Help Him Block Patriot Act - Bloomberg Politics

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : US Gives ISIS a Billion Dollars In Mosul

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : US Gives ISIS a Billion Dollars In Mosul

First Time Ever, Satan Is Clearly Seen In All the Details | World Truth.TV

First Time Ever, Satan Is Clearly Seen In All the Details | World Truth.TV



US Sending Weapons To Iraq To Use Against Weapons US Previously Sent To Iraq:   Information Clearing House - ICH

US Sending Weapons To Iraq To Use Against Weapons US Previously Sent To Iraq:   Information Clearing House - ICH

Special Report - Egypt deploys scholars to teach moderate Islam, but scepticism abounds | Reuters

Special Report - Egypt deploys scholars to teach moderate Islam, but scepticism abounds | Reuters

Friday, 15 May 2015

It’s A UFO! No, It’s “Project Blue Beam” According to Some :Your News Wire

It’s A UFO! No, It’s “Project Blue Beam” According to Some :Your News Wire

End Of USA Dominance - Russia & BRICS Head For The Exit! - YouTube

End Of USA Dominance - Russia & BRICS Head For The Exit! - YouTube

BRICS...Breaking The Jewish Money Power - YouTube

BRICS...Breaking The Jewish Money Power - YouTube



Noor Farida Ariffin, a catalyst for change | Free Malaysia Today

Noor Farida Ariffin, a catalyst for change | Free Malaysia Today

The position of the Shariah Court in the Malaysian legal system — Rosli Dahlan and Fawza Sabila Faudzi | What You Think | Mobile | Malay Mail Online

The position of the Shariah Court in the Malaysian legal system — Rosli Dahlan and Fawza Sabila Faudzi | What You Think | Mobile | Malay Mail Online

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Other Worldly Weird Sounds Coming From Sky (Video) :Your News Wire

Other Worldly Weird Sounds Coming From Sky (Video) :Your News Wire

BRICS...Breaking The Jewish Money Power - YouTube

BRICS...Breaking The Jewish Money Power - YouTube

Russia Tips The Grand Chess Board - YouTube

Russia Tips The Grand Chess Board - YouTube



Reza Aslan - Bigotry, Fundamentalism and Neo-Atheism in the Media

Reza Aslan - Bigotry, Fundamentalism and Neo-Atheism in the Media

Exclusive - Reza Aslan Extended Interview Video - May 13, 2015 - The Daily Show | Comedy Central

Exclusive - Reza Aslan Extended Interview Video - May 13, 2015 - The Daily Show | Comedy Central

The Evil within: The truth we dare not see about Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen — RT Op-Edge

The Evil within: The truth we dare not see about Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen — RT Op-Edge



Saudi Arabia prepares to hang opposition Shia cleric amid large protests — RT News

Saudi Arabia prepares to hang opposition Shia cleric amid large protests — RT News

WORST FEARS CONFIRMED, NAJIB LIED: Investigators conclude 1MDB 'cheated' & 'made false document' to BNM, Deutsche, others

WORST FEARS CONFIRMED, NAJIB LIED: Investigators conclude 1MDB 'cheated' & 'made false document' to BNM, Deutsche, others

Wednesday, 13 May 2015



The illogical trial of Nik Raina | Free Malaysia Today

The illogical trial of Nik Raina | Free Malaysia Today

Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: Scientists question methods and the politics of the MH370 search

Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: Scientists question methods and the politics of the MH370 search

Was MH370 shot down by the US? :Your News Wire

Was MH370 shot down by the US? :Your News Wire

CERN: Mysterious Deaths Linked To Ongoing Activities :Your News Wire

CERN: Mysterious Deaths Linked To Ongoing Activities :Your News Wire

12-Term Congressman Ron Paul's Warning to Americans about the Coming Currency Crisis - YouTube

12-Term Congressman Ron Paul's Warning to Americans about the Coming Currency Crisis - YouTube

Minister Farrakhan on Ron Paul & Exposing the Federal Reserve and International Bankers - YouTube

Minister Farrakhan on Ron Paul & Exposing the Federal Reserve and International Bankers - YouTube

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

The Big Lie: Obama DID NOT Kill Bin Laden! | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

The Big Lie: Obama DID NOT Kill Bin Laden! | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Abu Hassan Adam

Abu Hassan Adam

(100) Facebook

(100) Facebook

North Korean defence minister executed by anti-aircraft fire after disrespecting leader Kim Jong-Un by dozing off during military events and answering him back | Daily Mail Online

North Korean defence minister executed by anti-aircraft fire after disrespecting leader Kim Jong-Un by dozing off during military events and answering him back | Daily Mail Online

North Korean defence minister executed by anti-aircraft fire after disrespecting leader Kim Jong-Un by dozing off during military events and answering him back | Daily Mail Online

North Korean defence minister executed by anti-aircraft fire after disrespecting leader Kim Jong-Un by dozing off during military events and answering him back | Daily Mail Online

Lost Realms - Zecharia Sitchin - FREE MOVIE - YouTube

Lost Realms - Zecharia Sitchin - FREE MOVIE - YouTube

The Planet They Don't Want You To Know - Planet X/Nibiru - YouTube

The Planet They Don't Want You To Know - Planet X/Nibiru - YouTube

The Anunnaki And The Origin of Mankind :Your News Wire

The Anunnaki And The Origin of Mankind :Your News Wire



Berenang Di 35 Lokasi Dengan Air Paling Jernih Di Dunia. 2 Darinya Ada Di Malaysia!

Berenang Di 35 Lokasi Dengan Air Paling Jernih Di Dunia. 2 Darinya Ada Di Malaysia!

(99) Fareed Firani - Photos from Fareed Firani's post in Liberal...

(99) Fareed Firani - Photos from Fareed Firani's post in Liberal...

Selawat Perdana kembali - Hiburan - Sinar Harian

Selawat Perdana kembali - Hiburan - Sinar Harian

Monday, 11 May 2015

The American Death Camp Conspiracy :Your News Wire

The American Death Camp Conspiracy :Your News Wire

Watch Two Men In Jetpacks Fly Above Dubai [Video] | Popular Science

Watch Two Men In Jetpacks Fly Above Dubai [Video] | Popular Science



Rothschild Family Offers White Dragon Society $25 Trillion To Go Away : In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database

Rothschild Family Offers White Dragon Society $25 Trillion To Go Away : In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database

Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!

PROPOSED DECLARATION of War against Rothschild Khazarian Mafia | Veterans Today

PROPOSED DECLARATION of War against Rothschild Khazarian Mafia | Veterans Today

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Social Justice Doctrine the New World Order and Operation Heavy Freedom

Social Justice Doctrine the New World Order and Operation Heavy Freedom

Putrajaya’s dodgy dealing to raise billions in secret | KINIBIZ

Putrajaya’s dodgy dealing to raise billions in secret | KINIBIZ

Jade Helm vs America - Army Propaganda visits Texas, A Warning to all Free Citizens - Martial Law - YouTube

Jade Helm vs America - Army Propaganda visits Texas, A Warning to all Free Citizens - Martial Law - YouTube

92% of Married Women in Egypt Have Undergone Female Genital Mutilation | Egyptian Streets

92% of Married Women in Egypt Have Undergone Female Genital Mutilation | Egyptian Streets

Israeli Mossad .22 LRS: The Reliable Pistols of the Mossad

Israeli Mossad .22 LRS: The Reliable Pistols of the Mossad

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick - YouTube

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick - YouTube

The Military KNOWS Israeli AGENTS did 911 (Using Israel as a smoke screen cover) - YouTube

The Military KNOWS Israeli AGENTS did 911 (Using Israel as a smoke screen cover) - YouTube

Retired Expert Pilot John Lear - No Planes Hit the Towers on 9/11 - YouTube

Retired Expert Pilot John Lear - No Planes Hit the Towers on 9/11 - YouTube

Israeli Mossad Did 9/11 and Assassinated JFK - John Lear - YouTube

Israeli Mossad Did 9/11 and Assassinated JFK - John Lear - YouTube







Things You Should Not Bring to Saudi Arabia | Pinoy OFW Saudi Arabia

Things You Should Not Bring to Saudi Arabia | Pinoy OFW Saudi Arabia

Six Reasons Why Your Customers, Members, and Employees Leave You

Six Reasons Why Your Customers, Members, and Employees Leave You

'It's a shame' the West boycotted Victory Day celebration - former UK ambassador -- Puppet Masters --

'It's a shame' the West boycotted Victory Day celebration - former UK ambassador -- Puppet Masters --

The Matrix is Real [2014] - YouTube

The Matrix is Real [2014] - YouTube

WATCH: NASA invented WARP SPEED!!! ~ Today In Manila

WATCH: NASA invented WARP SPEED!!! ~ Today In Manila

Universe A Matrix Computer Game Designed By Aliens, Say NASA :Your News Wire

Universe A Matrix Computer Game Designed By Aliens, Say NASA :Your News Wire

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Ambassadors killed in Pakistan helicopter crash - Middle East - Stripes

Ambassadors killed in Pakistan helicopter crash - Middle East - Stripes

Were Ancient Gods Actually Extraterrestrial Beings? :Your News Wire

Were Ancient Gods Actually Extraterrestrial Beings? :Your News Wire

She Told The Chimp She Had Lost Her Baby. What The Chimp Did Next Was Unexpected. - Beingcreative

She Told The Chimp She Had Lost Her Baby. What The Chimp Did Next Was Unexpected. - Beingcreative

Whistleblower Karen Hudes: Corruption Exposed! The World’s Financial System Teetering on the Brink of Insolvency (Video) Prepare for Financial Armageddon | Economy

Whistleblower Karen Hudes: Corruption Exposed! The World’s Financial System Teetering on the Brink of Insolvency (Video) Prepare for Financial Armageddon | Economy

What can UK voters expect from Tory majority government? » David Icke

What can UK voters expect from Tory majority government? » David Icke

9/11 Exposed - 2nd Edition (2015) Full Documentary Film

NEW 2015! Solving 9/11 Christopher Bollyn Live in Dallas TX Feb 12, 2015 - YouTube

NEW 2015! Solving 9/11 Christopher Bollyn Live in Dallas TX Feb 12, 2015 - YouTube

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

China Declares War On Islam: Prayer In Mosques Is Outlawed And All Muslim Shopkeepers Must Sell Alcohol Or Face Prosecution - Walid Shoebat

China Declares War On Islam: Prayer In Mosques Is Outlawed And All Muslim Shopkeepers Must Sell Alcohol Or Face Prosecution - Walid Shoebat

Al Quran is the basis of Islam - YouTube

Al Quran is the basis of Islam - YouTube

Kassim Ahmad

Kassim Ahmad

Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Tabung Haji Beli Tanah 1MDB ? Kenapa Tak Tunggu Hasil Siasatan Audit dan PAC ? | dinturtle - Blogger PARTI MELAYU

Tabung Haji Beli Tanah 1MDB ? Kenapa Tak Tunggu Hasil Siasatan Audit dan PAC ? | dinturtle - Blogger PARTI MELAYU



Video Leaked of Religious Debate Between Maulana Abdul Aziz and Tayyaba Khanum on Very Sensitive Issue – Must Watch | Voice of Pakistan

Video Leaked of Religious Debate Between Maulana Abdul Aziz and Tayyaba Khanum on Very Sensitive Issue – Must Watch | Voice of Pakistan

The BENCHMARK: A new deal for Malaysia - TABUNG HAJI and 1MDB

The BENCHMARK: A new deal for Malaysia - TABUNG HAJI and 1MDB

Alien Figure Discovered In Mona Lisa Painting :Your News Wire

Alien Figure Discovered In Mona Lisa Painting :Your News Wire

This Man Built A Gold Pyramid Home in Illinois and You Won’t Believe What Happened Next | World Truth.TV

This Man Built A Gold Pyramid Home in Illinois and You Won’t Believe What Happened Next | World Truth.TV

Council on Foreign Relations’ Grand Strategy: China Must Be Defeated, The TPP Is Essential to Undermining China | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Council on Foreign Relations’ Grand Strategy: China Must Be Defeated, The TPP Is Essential to Undermining China | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Confirmed-2.5 Mile Wide Comet Headed Toward Earth With Chilling, Hellish Mystery Sounds and Screams | World Truth.TV

Confirmed-2.5 Mile Wide Comet Headed Toward Earth With Chilling, Hellish Mystery Sounds and Screams | World Truth.TV





The Umno, PKR and PAS internal strife (part 22) | Malaysia Today

The Umno, PKR and PAS internal strife (part 22) | Malaysia Today

US “Grand Strategy” for War Against China Laid Out | Asia-Pacific Research

US “Grand Strategy” for War Against China Laid Out | Asia-Pacific Research

Look What Will Happen After The Dollar Collapse | Self-Sufficiency

Look What Will Happen After The Dollar Collapse | Self-Sufficiency

Monday, 4 May 2015

US and Coalition Warplanes Strike Iraqi Popular Forces, US Delivers Military Aid to ISIS Terrorists | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

US and Coalition Warplanes Strike Iraqi Popular Forces, US Delivers Military Aid to ISIS Terrorists | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Kassim Ahmad: Search results for QADA DAN QADAR

Kassim Ahmad: Search results for QADA DAN QADAR



Minister Farrakhan on Ron Paul & Exposing the Federal Reserve and International Bankers - YouTube

Minister Farrakhan on Ron Paul & Exposing the Federal Reserve and International Bankers - YouTube

Special Ops Officer Blows Whistle on CIA Funded ISIS Through Swiss Bank Accounts | Police State

Special Ops Officer Blows Whistle on CIA Funded ISIS Through Swiss Bank Accounts | Police State

Rigged Proof: Mayweather vs Pacquiao Scorecard Might Prove A Rigged Outcome | Sports

Rigged Proof: Mayweather vs Pacquiao Scorecard Might Prove A Rigged Outcome | Sports

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Selawat Perdana kembali - Hiburan - Sinar Harian

Selawat Perdana kembali - Hiburan - Sinar Harian

Kassim Ahmad: Search results for SELAWAT

Kassim Ahmad: Search results for SELAWAT

U.S.A. Caught In Enormous Policy Vise | Gold Eagle

U.S.A. Caught In Enormous Policy Vise | Gold Eagle

The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts | World Truth.TV

The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts | World Truth.TV

10 must-see films about World War II | Russia Beyond The Headlines

10 must-see films about World War II | Russia Beyond The Headlines

Assange Reveals That The West is Behind ISIS And Ukraine Crisis And Israel Behind Hamas AnonHQ

Assange Reveals That The West is Behind ISIS And Ukraine Crisis And Israel Behind Hamas AnonHQ

Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany

Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany

JFK to 911: History Lesson On Who Runs The World (Video)

JFK to 911: History Lesson On Who Runs The World (Video)

Kazakhstan Sleeping Illness Victims Report Scary Hallucinations

Kazakhstan Sleeping Illness Victims Report Scary Hallucinations

Saturday, 2 May 2015

9/11 Exposed - Full Documentary Film (2015) - YouTube

9/11 Exposed - Full Documentary Film (2015) - YouTube

Judge Rules Pennsylvania’s Man had Right to Fly American Flag Upside Down Sprayed with AIM on It

Judge Rules Pennsylvania’s Man had Right to Fly American Flag Upside Down Sprayed with AIM on It

Beginner's Guide to the Zionist Takeover of America | Alternative

Beginner's Guide to the Zionist Takeover of America | Alternative

The Israeli Lobby -- Total Jewish Zionist Control of the USA | Alternative

The Israeli Lobby -- Total Jewish Zionist Control of the USA | Alternative

Jeff Rense : Dear White People, Your Days Are Numbered - March 23 2015 - John Friend | Alternative

Jeff Rense : Dear White People, Your Days Are Numbered - March 23 2015 - John Friend | Alternative

It’s Official: Police Were Ordered to Stand Down and Let the Baltimore Riots Rage Out of Control | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

It’s Official: Police Were Ordered to Stand Down and Let the Baltimore Riots Rage Out of Control | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Gordon Duff Caught Turning in Patriots For Prison! Red Alert! · The Liberty Beacon

Gordon Duff Caught Turning in Patriots For Prison! Red Alert! · The Liberty Beacon

Terengganu sultan disappointed with Muslims who go against Islamic law – Bernama - The Malaysian Insider

Terengganu sultan disappointed with Muslims who go against Islamic law – Bernama - The Malaysian Insider