Saturday, 24 January 2015

The Globalization of War and the Global Economic Crisis. Is there a Relationship? | Global Research

The Globalization of War and the Global Economic Crisis. Is there a Relationship? | Global Research

FBI: Hitler Didn’t Die, Fled To Argentina - Stunning Admission

FBI: Hitler Didn’t Die, Fled To Argentina - Stunning Admission

Message From Iran: To the Youth in Europe and America #Letter4U

Message From Iran: To the Youth in Europe and America #Letter4U

Message From Iran: To the Youth in Europe and America #Letter4U

Message From Iran: To the Youth in Europe and America #Letter4U

PressTV-ISIL claims killed Japanese hostage

PressTV-ISIL claims killed Japanese hostage

These 13 Families Rule The World: The Shadow Forces Behind The NWO | World Truth.TV

These 13 Families Rule The World: The Shadow Forces Behind The NWO | World Truth.TV

Review Shariah law ambit, observers say after landmark court ruling | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online

Review Shariah law ambit, observers say after landmark court ruling | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online

(99) Brother Nathanael

(99) Brother Nathanael

Addicting Info – Guantanamo Prisoner Describes Torture By Female Guards: ‘We’re Gonna Teach You About Great American Sex’

Addicting Info – Guantanamo Prisoner Describes Torture By Female Guards: ‘We’re Gonna Teach You About Great American Sex’

Russia readies hybrid amphibious drone for test flight — RT News

Russia readies hybrid amphibious drone for test flight — RT News

Hugh Akins: Kabbalistic Zionism Is at the Core of World Events | Veterans Today

Hugh Akins: Kabbalistic Zionism Is at the Core of World Events | Veterans Today

Man Who Predicted Collapse Of Euro Against Swiss Franc Makes Second Terrifying Prediction | King World News

Man Who Predicted Collapse Of Euro Against Swiss Franc Makes Second Terrifying Prediction | King World News

Friday, 23 January 2015

Experts Speak Out, Most Powerful 9/11 Documentary Yet

Experts Speak Out, Most Powerful 9/11 Documentary Yet

Israeli Espionage Fronts have Hijacked America! | Veterans Today

Israeli Espionage Fronts have Hijacked America! | Veterans Today

GLOBALVILLAGE FREEDOM INFO AFFILIATE MARKETING NEWS: Buddhist Monk Dies For 3 Days: Comes Back To Share His Heaven & Hell "Near Death Experience" | Spirit

GLOBALVILLAGE FREEDOM INFO AFFILIATE MARKETING NEWS: Buddhist Monk Dies For 3 Days: Comes Back To Share His Heaven & Hell "Near Death Experience" | Spirit

Charlie Hebdo Shootings - Censored Video - YouTube

Charlie Hebdo Shootings - Censored Video - YouTube

New Twist: Charlie Hebdo Police Investigator Turns Up Dead, ‘Suicided’

New Twist: Charlie Hebdo Police Investigator Turns Up Dead, ‘Suicided’

Suspicions are growing that the French shootings are a false flag operation -

Suspicions are growing that the French shootings are a false flag operation -



I will fight Islamic authorities till the end, vows Kassim Ahmad - The Malaysian Insider

I will fight Islamic authorities till the end, vows Kassim Ahmad - The Malaysian Insider

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Israel Joins Forces With ISIS? Tel Aviv Bombs Syria for Sixth Time in 18 months | Global Research

Israel Joins Forces With ISIS? Tel Aviv Bombs Syria for Sixth Time in 18 months | Global Research

Strange Hobbit Creature Filmed In Kitchen (Video) - Bizzare

Strange Hobbit Creature Filmed In Kitchen (Video) - Bizzare

Ken O'Keefe - Zionism is Doomed (Video)

Ken O'Keefe - Zionism is Doomed (Video)

11 Things About Islam’s ‘History Of Violence’ That You Probably Didn’t Know

11 Things About Islam’s ‘History Of Violence’ That You Probably Didn’t Know

Wife, daughter and writer of controversial FEMA camp movie ‘Gray State’ dead in ‘murder-suicide’ » WTF RLY REPORT

Wife, daughter and writer of controversial FEMA camp movie ‘Gray State’ dead in ‘murder-suicide’ » WTF RLY REPORT

Exposed: The Church Isn't Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki

Exposed: The Church Isn't Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki

Richest 1% Percent To Have More Than Rest of Humanity Combined by 2016 | Global Research

Richest 1% Percent To Have More Than Rest of Humanity Combined by 2016 | Global Research

Monday, 19 January 2015

​Iran to launch official marriage website to combat ‘immoral’ dating, premarital sex — RT News

​Iran to launch official marriage website to combat ‘immoral’ dating, premarital sex — RT News

The Heat Online - A different Malaysian perspective

The Heat Online - A different Malaysian perspective

Veterans Today Radio (1-15-15) Stew Webb, Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, Preston James - YouTube

Veterans Today Radio (1-15-15) Stew Webb, Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, Preston James - YouTube

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick - YouTube

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick - YouTube

“Saudi Human Rights Record is the Worst in the Region: One Beheading Every Four Days” | Global Research

“Saudi Human Rights Record is the Worst in the Region: One Beheading Every Four Days” | Global Research

Time Putrajaya opens debate on Shariah law, say academics - The Malaysian Insider

Time Putrajaya opens debate on Shariah law, say academics - The Malaysian Insider

The Panama Deception - YouTube

The Panama Deception - YouTube

Screenwriter Gary Devore killed 20 years ago was working for CIA | Daily Mail Online

Screenwriter Gary Devore killed 20 years ago was working for CIA | Daily Mail Online

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Jakim sullying Islam’s good name, Muslim preacher says after lawyer’s arrest | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online

Jakim sullying Islam’s good name, Muslim preacher says after lawyer’s arrest | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online

For our freedom and liberty - Letters | The Star Online

For our freedom and liberty - Letters | The Star Online

State Sponsored Terrorism: Who Was Behind the Charlie Hebdo Paris Attacks? Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research

State Sponsored Terrorism: Who Was Behind the Charlie Hebdo Paris Attacks? Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research

PressTV-“We’re not against ISIS, we are ISIS”

PressTV-“We’re not against ISIS, we are ISIS”

We Are the New Sheriff in Town | Veterans Today

We Are the New Sheriff in Town | Veterans Today

Israel-Lockheed Martin-WOW Financial-Hughes Corp-US Air Force Cyber Terrorists 2015-01-17 | Veterans Today

Israel-Lockheed Martin-WOW Financial-Hughes Corp-US Air Force Cyber Terrorists 2015-01-17 | Veterans Today

China and Russia to launch new credit rating agency in 2015 — RT Business

China and Russia to launch new credit rating agency in 2015 — RT Business

CIA Link To Paris Terror Attack Confirmed

CIA Link To Paris Terror Attack Confirmed

JFK to 911: History Lesson On Who Runs The World (Video)

JFK to 911: History Lesson On Who Runs The World (Video)

Rothschild Email: “Mossad Were Behind The Paris Attacks”

Rothschild Email: “Mossad Were Behind The Paris Attacks”

Friday, 16 January 2015

American Delusion: Israel is our Great Friend and Ally | Veterans Today

American Delusion: Israel is our Great Friend and Ally | Veterans Today

US Soldiers Using Cloak of Invisibility! Watch Before It Gets Deleted Again! | Alternative

US Soldiers Using Cloak of Invisibility! Watch Before It Gets Deleted Again! | Alternative

The Global Warming Hoax - 19 Irrefutable FACTS (Video)

The Global Warming Hoax - 19 Irrefutable FACTS (Video)

Planet X Nibiru Its Getting Bigger By The Day Now!! | Space

Planet X Nibiru Its Getting Bigger By The Day Now!! | Space

Paul Craig Roberts – Putin Can Destroy NATO And The Entire Western Financial System | King World News

Paul Craig Roberts – Putin Can Destroy NATO And The Entire Western Financial System | King World News

Russia Just Pulled Itself Out Of The Petrodollar | Global Research

Russia Just Pulled Itself Out Of The Petrodollar | Global Research

VIDEO: Woman Gets Beheaded In The Middle Of Street Right In Public View - Walid Shoebat

VIDEO: Woman Gets Beheaded In The Middle Of Street Right In Public View - Walid Shoebat

Police Shootout - Deputy Kyle Dinkheller - Laurens County, GA - YouTube

Police Shootout - Deputy Kyle Dinkheller - Laurens County, GA - YouTube

Thursday, 15 January 2015

‘Least visited crash site in the world’: More blame than answers 6 mo after MH17 tragedy — RT News

‘Least visited crash site in the world’: More blame than answers 6 mo after MH17 tragedy — RT News

(99) Veterans Today Truth Warriors

(99) Veterans Today Truth Warriors

Google Censors Veterans Today Over Paris Fake Shooting! | Alternative

Google Censors Veterans Today Over Paris Fake Shooting! | Alternative

Horrific: Woman Sexually Assaulted In Court As Judge Watches

Horrific: Woman Sexually Assaulted In Court As Judge Watches

Man Captures Sleep Paralysis ‘Ghost’ On Camera - Spooky

Man Captures Sleep Paralysis ‘Ghost’ On Camera - Spooky

Asteroid Warning: Govt Preps Underground Bases | Veterans Today

Asteroid Warning: Govt Preps Underground Bases | Veterans Today

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Secret Israeli Report Sees Rift With Europe Growing | Global Research

Secret Israeli Report Sees Rift With Europe Growing | Global Research

Another NASA Scientist Has Been Killed - What’s Going On?

Another NASA Scientist Has Been Killed - What’s Going On?

Jawi barred from acting against Kassim Ahmad, rules court – Bernama - The Malaysian Insider

Jawi barred from acting against Kassim Ahmad, rules court – Bernama - The Malaysian Insider

BoysTown Lotteries

BoysTown Lotteries

French Police Commissioner Suicided After Attempting To Issue Murder Warrant Against President Obama |

French Police Commissioner Suicided After Attempting To Issue Murder Warrant Against President Obama |

The Significance of the Massacre of Karbala | IRF

The Significance of the Massacre of Karbala | IRF

Police Chief In Charge of Paris Attacks Commits Suicide

Police Chief In Charge of Paris Attacks Commits Suicide

Doomed flights: Malaysia made to pay?

Doomed flights: Malaysia made to pay?

Charlie Hebdo Shootings - Censored Video | StormCloudsGathering

Charlie Hebdo Shootings - Censored Video | StormCloudsGathering

5 Facts Suggest Paris Attacks An Inside Job

5 Facts Suggest Paris Attacks An Inside Job

Monday, 12 January 2015

Paris Attack Can Be Proven Fake in Court! Gordon Duff - US Intel | Alternative

Paris Attack Can Be Proven Fake in Court! Gordon Duff - US Intel | Alternative

Veterans Today Radio (1-12-15) Gordon's Analysis of Paris Attack - YouTube

Veterans Today Radio (1-12-15) Gordon's Analysis of Paris Attack - YouTube

Brother Nathanael Channel - Did Mossad Do Charlie Hebdo?

Brother Nathanael Channel - Did Mossad Do Charlie Hebdo?

Pedophilia in U S A - Boys Town Documentary - Conspiracy of Silence - YouTube

Pedophilia in U S A - Boys Town Documentary - Conspiracy of Silence - YouTube

George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress | Veterans Today

George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress | Veterans Today

White House to Israel and France: “Screw You!” | Veterans Today

White House to Israel and France: “Screw You!” | Veterans Today

Government Whistle-Blower: “Something Is Wrong With Earth’s Core”

Government Whistle-Blower: “Something Is Wrong With Earth’s Core”

Charlie Hebdo Shootings - Censored Video - YouTube

Charlie Hebdo Shootings - Censored Video - YouTube

Paris Attackers Funded by Pentagon Dinner Guest | Global Research

Paris Attackers Funded by Pentagon Dinner Guest | Global Research

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Marine Veteran, Journalist Robert O’Dowd: Murder, Corruption CIA Drug Running | Veterans Today

Marine Veteran, Journalist Robert O’Dowd: Murder, Corruption CIA Drug Running | Veterans Today

The IGP and the French Connection -Mariam Mokhtar | Columnist

The IGP and the French Connection -Mariam Mokhtar | Columnist

The Semi-Undead: “Sort of” Dead French Cop in “Selfie” Revival | Veterans Today

The Semi-Undead: “Sort of” Dead French Cop in “Selfie” Revival | Veterans Today



PressTV-CIA carried out Paris attack: Roberts

PressTV-CIA carried out Paris attack: Roberts

Mapping 9/11: The Fort Lee Mystery | Veterans Today

Mapping 9/11: The Fort Lee Mystery | Veterans Today

Does Anyone in USA INTEL Have Guts or Bravery? Then Share this NOW! ha! ha! You Cowards! | David Sweet | LinkedIn

Does Anyone in USA INTEL Have Guts or Bravery? Then Share this NOW! ha! ha! You Cowards! | David Sweet | LinkedIn

NEO – CIA Torture Report Ties Cheney/Bout to 9/11 Nukes | Veterans Today

NEO – CIA Torture Report Ties Cheney/Bout to 9/11 Nukes | Veterans Today

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Snowden: Cyber war more damaging to US than any other nation — RT USA

Snowden: Cyber war more damaging to US than any other nation — RT USA

Saudi Prince Buys Off A Fully Customized Airbus A380 For $500 Million And It Will Blow You Away - World Observer Online

Saudi Prince Buys Off A Fully Customized Airbus A380 For $500 Million And It Will Blow You Away - World Observer Online

Argentine Supreme Court clears 9/11 truther extradition - YouTube

Argentine Supreme Court clears 9/11 truther extradition - YouTube

Report: Did Tesla Have An E.T. Connection?

Report: Did Tesla Have An E.T. Connection?

Can you shoot someone in the head from point-blank range and there be no blood? WTF? » David Icke

Can you shoot someone in the head from point-blank range and there be no blood? WTF? » David Icke

What you need to know about terrorism and its causes: a graphic account - Stop the War Coalition

What you need to know about terrorism and its causes: a graphic account - Stop the War Coalition

Monday, 5 January 2015

The role of Islam in state and society: the choice before us | Malaysia Today

The role of Islam in state and society: the choice before us | Malaysia Today

Gangsta to the roots: A Gangsta’s paradise | Malaysia Today

Gangsta to the roots: A Gangsta’s paradise | Malaysia Today

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Blowback on the Saudi Border – Senior General Killed

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Blowback on the Saudi Border – Senior General Killed

Zapruder frame 343: New proof of blowout at back of JFK’s head | Veterans Today

Zapruder frame 343: New proof of blowout at back of JFK’s head | Veterans Today

Agenda 21 Is Tied To Everything | Agenda 21

Agenda 21 Is Tied To Everything | Agenda 21



Sunday, 4 January 2015

Crime Bush & Cheney Should Be Charged with War Crimes: Richard Clarke, Col. Wilkerson

Crime Bush & Cheney Should Be Charged with War Crimes: Richard Clarke, Col. Wilkerson

Exposed: Credit Card Fraud in Malaysia

Exposed: Credit Card Fraud in Malaysia

Italians Blow Chemtrails ‘Secret War’ Lid Off With Film (Watch Here) | Pakalert Press

Italians Blow Chemtrails ‘Secret War’ Lid Off With Film (Watch Here) | Pakalert Press

Climate Scientist Blows Whistle on Jet Aerosol Dumps – Chemtrails | Veterans Today

Climate Scientist Blows Whistle on Jet Aerosol Dumps – Chemtrails | Veterans Today

Two men killed during bullfight in Colombia new collection 2015 |

Two men killed during bullfight in Colombia new collection 2015 |

Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings

Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Veterans Today | Military Veterans and Foreign Affairs Journal – VA – Veterans Administration

Veterans Today | Military Veterans and Foreign Affairs Journal – VA – Veterans Administration

Wanta Plan to End the Fed and Save America Must be Deployed Now! | Alternative

Wanta Plan to End the Fed and Save America Must be Deployed Now! | Alternative

The Secret Sex Lives of Conservative Christian Women | Alternet

The Secret Sex Lives of Conservative Christian Women | Alternet

Snowden Leak Proves 9/11 Was a Nuclear Attack! | Alternative

Snowden Leak Proves 9/11 Was a Nuclear Attack! | Alternative

Earth changes and 2012 prophecies

Earth changes and 2012 prophecies

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts | Earth. We are one.

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts | Earth. We are one.

Goldman Sachs in Libya–Another Racket by the Dreadful Few | Veterans Today

Goldman Sachs in Libya–Another Racket by the Dreadful Few | Veterans Today

Speaker John Boehner Admits to Bribery! He Handed Out Checks on House Floor! | Alternative

Speaker John Boehner Admits to Bribery! He Handed Out Checks on House Floor! | Alternative

Wanta Plan must be Deployed Now ! | Veterans Today

Wanta Plan must be Deployed Now ! | Veterans Today

Hybrid fixed wing drone goes at speeds of up to 100 kph (VIDEO) — RT News

Hybrid fixed wing drone goes at speeds of up to 100 kph (VIDEO) — RT News

Friday, 2 January 2015

AirAsia flight search: 30 victims’ bodies recovered, some of them belted into seats — RT News

AirAsia flight search: 30 victims’ bodies recovered, some of them belted into seats — RT News

Ston L'7alazoun: جديد دنيا بطمة لوك جديد

Ston L'7alazoun: جديد دنيا بطمة لوك جديد

(99) Facebook

(99) Facebook

Was a Deal Made With Aliens For Earth? (US Intel Interview) | Alternative

Was a Deal Made With Aliens For Earth? (US Intel Interview) | Alternative

Jesse Ventura's Message for 2015 - Off The Grid

Jesse Ventura's Message for 2015 - Off The Grid

A Quest for Truth: British East India Company & the United States - YouTube

A Quest for Truth: British East India Company & the United States - YouTube

Pedophilia and Satanism - The Bill Clinton Video You Won't Believe!

Pedophilia and Satanism - The Bill Clinton Video You Won't Believe!

AirAsia QZ8501 dropped almost vertically into Java Sea | Daily Mail Online

AirAsia QZ8501 dropped almost vertically into Java Sea | Daily Mail Online