Saturday 30 September 2017

(2) Pandangan Dr. Zakir Naik Tentang ISIS - YouTube

(2) Pandangan Dr. Zakir Naik Tentang ISIS - YouTube



    September 13, 2017 at 1:33 pm
    “THERE EXISTS A FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE TRUE TEACHINGS OF THE QURAN?INSTEAD OF FOLLOWING THE QURAN THEY HAVE MADE THE HADITHS SUPREME AND ADULTERATED THE TRUE TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD.THE MUSLIM WORLD WILL PROGRESS BY ADOPTING ALLAH ALONE AND QURAN ALONE !Prophet Muhammad Hadith are Not the Prophet Hadith;Instead they are Hadiths (narrations) of men and women who NEVER SAW THE PROPHET, in fact the GRAND PARENTS of their GRAND PARENTS NEVER SAW THE PROPHET. The first book of Hadith was that of Bukhari BORN 200 YEARS AFTER THE DEATH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD. Thus the Hadith is simply a narration by Bukhari’s sources, claiming that ,he or she HEARD SOMETHING about the Prophet ACROSS 8 GENERATIONS OF THE DEAD.It is left to your imagination on the narration’s Accuracy and Originality. Well your assessment is about the same as any RATIONAL HUMAN.If there exist confusion today amongst the UMMAH THE CAUSES ARE WELL KNOWN !~{Instead of Following the Revelations of Allah, they follow what is Conjectured to be The Prophet’s utterances.Thus they DISOBEY ALLAH and The PROPHET by following the ‘Hadith’ GUESS WORK.(The findings in Quran6:112 and Q25;31 represents flagrant Disobedience of Allah and His Final Prophet).} QUESTION! .DOES ALLAH ENDORSES OTHER THAN THE QURAN AS A LEGITIMATE SOURCE OF GUIDANCE~SO QUOTING TARMIZI,ABU HURAIRAH, MUSLIM , BUKHARI’S OR ANYONE ELSE’S HADITHS AND ATTRIBUTE IT TO THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD IS THEREFORE AN ACT OF DISOBEDIENCE TO ALLAH !??(IS IT NOT ILLEGAL TOO??)???OLEH ITU PIHAK2 YANG BERWAJIB HARUSLAH TIDAK TERAGAK AGAK UNTUK MENGAMBIL TINDAKAN UNDANG UNDANG KE ATAS MANA MANA PIHAK(APA JUA) YANG MENYALAH GUNA HADITHS KERANA IANYA BOLEH MENYESATKAN UMMAH!!?? SurahAl-An’am 6:112[We have permitted the enemies of every prophet-human and jin devils= to inspire in each fancy words ,in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed,they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications]OBEY ALLAH,OBEY RASUL* The phrase-”obey messenger” does not give blanket approval to obey everything the Messenger uttered.The choice of words in the QURAN IS PERFECT..ALLAH did not say “Obey Muhammad” nor did HE say “Obey Nabi”.Instead HE said “obey rasul”.The Arabic word “rasul” is a term derived from a root (Arabic-risalah) meaning”a message”.From the root word as well as the meaning of “rasul”means obey the messenger who is bringing a message from ALLAH.So obey the message that the messenger brings.This was his ONLY duty that ALLAH has spelled that out clearly in the QURAN:Q3:144 Muhammad is no more than a messenger.Q3:20Thy duty is to convey the message.Q16:82Thy duty is ONLY to preach the Clear Message.The SAME THEME IS REPEATED IN Q16:35;24:54;29:18;42:48;64:12 and MORE. Therefore the FUNDAMENTAL THEME OF “Obey ALLAH,obey rasul”,-when the prophet pbuh uttered QURANIC verses that contain injunctions,rules,guidance for the correct establishment of the DEEN demands and commands obedience from the believers. THE AUTHORITY IS FROM ALLAH THROUGH THE QURAN,THUS OBEY ALLAH IS OBEY THE QURAN AND OBEY MESSENGER IS OBEY THE QURAN*.”Allah commands that Quran specifically QURAN SHALL BE THE ONLY SOURCE of religious teachings.THE ACCEPTANCE OF ANY OTHER SOURCES for religious guidance equals the setting up of OTHER gods BESIDE ALLAH:Surah Al-An’am~6:19[“Say(O Muhammad)”Whose testimony is greater?”Say “God is the witness between me and you that THIS QURAN was given to me to preach it to you,and to whomever it reaches”However ,you certainly bear witness that you set up other gods(by upholding other sources beside QURAN).Say,”I will never do what you are doing; i disown your idol-worship.”]Surah Bani Israel~17:39[This is some wisdom revealed to you(in this QURAN),and YOU SHALL NOT SET UP ANY OTHER GOD BESIDE GOD(by following any other source beside QURAN).Otherwise,you will be THROWN INTO HELL ,BLAMED AND DEBASED.]Scholars views welcome!!!



